Certified Executive and Leadership Coach 
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Get Sh!t Done Sessions

Do you get less distracted when you're not on your own?

Some call it "body doubling". Some call it "study sessions". Some call it accountability.

Whatever you call it, the aim is to get sh!t done!

This is something I find super useful, and I hope you will too.

No cost, no obligation, just a virtual space dedicated to being productive up to 5 days per week.

How it works

  1. Join the Zoom call
  2. Take 5-10 minutes to talk as a group, and commit to your top priority task to work on.
    • Turn cameras and microphones off 
    • Work for just over an hour.
    • Regroup to celebrate your progress.

    Starting January 2025.
    • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays @ 10.30am to noon Pacific.
    • Tuesdays, Thursdays @ 2.30 to 4pm Pacific

    Who is it for?


    If you want to be productive, join us!

    Know others who might benefit? Invite them to register below!

    What if I want to chat?

    This is not a social group.

    The focus is productivity.

    Anyone disrupting the sacred productive space on a call will be asked to leave.

    Open to suggestions

    This is a trail program for January and February. If successful it will be continued.

    If you have suggestions for how to make it better, I'd love to hear them. Please send me a message.
    • More convenient dates and times?
    • Different duration?
    • Regular socials, to connect and catch up with each other?

    Can I drop in occasionally?

    Yes, please do!

    Having regular attendees helps me assess the value for our community of running these spaces. If you can't attend regularly that's okay, if you're registered you're welcome to drop in when you can.

    Register To Join

    By registering you are also agreeing to receive occasional emails from me. I hate spam so only send them when I have something to share I think is of value, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of every email.

    Got Questions? 

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